A home for project management professionals

Where do you find the most interesting projects? How can you grow as a project management and project supervision professional? How to find a work community where you can enjoy yourself?

What if the solution was just around the corner? Join the Uggla team.

A new kind of employer for project professionals

Uggla Engineering is for you. We connect project managers and supervisors with the most interesting projects both in Finland and abroad.

But that’s not all.

Together, we’ll create a work community and a professional network where everyone has an opportunity to grow, thrive, and succeed in their work. Uggla Engineering is a home at work, something many professionals in the field have been missing.

What do we do differently?

We recognise the concerns of specialists working in industrial construction projects, and our interest is to solve them.

For us, the most important thing is the growth of our employees and their ability to influence their careers. We can offer interesting and excitingly challenging projects to different stages of professional careers.

We put effort into the creation of a work community. We want every one of our employees to be proud to carry the Uggla logo and stand behind our joint team of experts. Every day, with every choice, and in every project, we aim to ensure our employees can enjoy themselves, feel well, and do work that matters.

Flexible employment – the way that suits you

  • Are you looking for a long employment relationship? We’re also committed to offering permanent employment contracts to employees.
  • To those looking for short project assignments, we offer project-based contracts.
  • If you want to work as a subcontractor as part of our community, we have interesting work for you.

Working as a project specialist at Uggla

  • As an Uggla specialist, you’re more than an employee in a client’s project. You’re involved in developing Uggla, customer co-operation, and sales projects.
  • You can commit to Uggla and have a permanent employment contract.
  • You’re surrounded by a professional project supervision and management community where you can be impressed by and learn from a network of peers and you will be given support to succeed in your work.
  • We want to hear your opinions and views. As a professional in your field, you have invaluable information we want you to share.

How we find the best projects for our employees

Who is given responsibility in the key roles of a project? Well, the best one. We believe that our professional employees convince with their knowledge and the results they achieve, which attracts the most interesting projects that are about to start.

On top of this, co-operation with clients lies deep in the heart of a project. Thanks to our network, experience, and insight, we’re involved from early stages with companies about to embark on industrial projects. Uggla’s services range through the life cycle of a project.

”Uggla is a network of peers employees have been missing.”

Why was Uggla born?

The need for continuity brought about something new

The idea for Uggla originated from silent needs heard in many conversations. We stopped to think about the conversations we had had with project management professionals and clients who lead projects. Something was lurking in the subordinate clauses, and we used it to create something new.

For years, our parent company Barona has provided industrial construction and investment projects with professional project management and supervision resources. In conversations with clients and employees, a subconsciously stated wish came up again and again: the field is missing stability, continuity, security.

This is how Uggla Engineering was born – a new way to employ project professionals.

Uggla – a place for commitment

Professionals in the field are looking for a workplace they can commit to. They wish for a community where everyone’s skillset contributes to joint professionalism and where future is being built long-term. Uggla is a network of peers employees have been missing.

Companies directing projects, for their part, wish for stability throughout an intensive and multi-stage project. They want to be able to trust the moment and wish for continuity and faith in a high-quality end result. Uggla specialises in project business, and it can promise its clients continuity throughout projects. You can trust the most interesting projects in the hands of this community of experts.

The skilled hands of Uggla are the hands of our professional employees.

Projects that have societal significance

Installation supervisor in the Kemi bioproduct mill project

An equipment supplier operating in the Kemi bioproduct mill project was looking for an on-site installation supervisor for the duration of the installation of its equipment. Uggla was able to provide an experienced installation supervisor with a wide-ranging background for a project that lasted almost a year.

Read about the project →

HSE supervisor in a bioenergy heating plant project

An equipment manufacturer was contracted to conduct installations in a bioenergy heating plant project and needed an experienced HSE supervisor with knowledge of international sites. Olli from Uggla was chosen because of, for example, his Nebosh certificate. Due to good results, the manufacturer wanted to hold on to a skilled worker and has offered work in new projects.

Read about the project →

Would it be time for a new project?

See our open vacancies and projects that are currently looking for specialists. If you can’t spot a suitable one right now, tell us about yourself and your skills, and we’ll get in touch.

Open vacancies →

Stay tuned with Uggla

Join the Uggla team on LinkedIn, and you’ll find out about the most interesting positions in project management and supervision we’re currently looking to fill.

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